If you have taken out a student loan, chances are you have used one of the integral services that work between you and the bank. They act as a kind of liaison that manages the loan and process your monthly payments.
One of these services is called Navient, which is the largest one, has been accused of failing to act on complaints, with allegations that they have been providing mis-information and processing payments incorrectly. This is something that the federal government doesn’t take lightly and subsequently, the government's Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) has filed a multi-million dollar lawsuit against them.
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The Most Affordable Colleges in the U.S
A significant amount of time and money is required to earn a college degree. According to the College Board, in the 2013-2014 school year, the average cost of tuition and fees were the following:
$8,893 at public colleges for state residents
$30,094 at private colleges
$22,204 at public colleges for out-of-state residents
The primary reason people invest in college education is, obviously, the expected return. According to a recent study, the median lifetime earnings that bachelor’s degree holders can expect are nearly $2.5 million. That is twice as much as the expected lifetime earnings of high school diploma holders. It is ...
How is Student Loan Debt Affecting Your Life?
Over the last twenty years, there has been a significant increase in student loan debt. In 1996, the average student loan debt stood at $ 12,850. Today, it’s $35,000. According to a recent survey, loan debt negatively affects the lives of graduates by causing emotional, personal and financial stress. Furthermore, it prevents them from pursuing their dreams. The survey included over a thousand college graduates and was carried out between July 2nd and July 19, 2016. Student loan debt causes stress and prevents you from doing well in life. Based on the survey, following is how student loan debt affects the lives of borrowers.
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All You Need To Know About Rehabilitation Payments and Student Loan Forbearances
Education is a priority for every student, so when it comes to services like Student Loan Ranger, it becomes a topic of interest, since the nonprofit is deemed as a supportive instrument for students, which helps deal with school debt.
While reading loan terms and conditions for student loan repayments, an individual may encounter a good deal of confusion when trying to interpret between the jargon used and its actual meaning. The area where this issue is most evident is that of involuntary payments and forbearances. To be able to make the right financial choices, you need to understand what such terms entail – which brings us to our ...
Beware of Private Student Loans
While many students look forward to college and graduate school, albeit, graduating school, they often miscalculate or are just oblivious to what could become an overwhelming accumulation of student loan debt.
Some students are lucky that their grades and SAT scores allow them the privilege of gaining scholarships; however, even these students become subjected to paying back the loans that were needed to compensate for the part of the tuition that the scholarships did not provide for.
Nancy, an undergrad in New York’s SUNY Binghamton University has received scholarships, but there was still a whopping $22,000 that she had to apply for ...